Hardware Info

Useful info about various handbag hardware.
Conversions - Read about mm/inch conversions, why using metric (millimeter) measurement is better, and download the handy PDF Conversion Chart
Visit: About Conversions
SNAPS: Spring Snap Sizes, Dies, and how to set using a Table Press Machine
View Page
Rivet Sizes By Brand - A handy look-up chart of Rivets by popular brand. The chart is organized by Rivet Cap size and includes the sellers that offer them along with the rivets post height and other info.
Visit Rivet Page
Push Grommets - A PDF Tutorial with step-by-step information for installation.
Visit Tutorials Page
Tassel Caps - A PDF Tutorial that explains how to overcome known problems with those pesky screws to get your screw all the way in and your Cap on right, plus some other tips.
Visit Tutorials Page