Simple Mask Keeper - FREE BETA
At present and for a LIMITED TIME this is an "as is" BETA version, available FREE to members of the private Luxe Hardware Group on Facebook. Moreover, this is an abbreviated pattern. It is not yet complete and still a rough work in progress. It contains pieces and minimal direction. Pieces and text may contain errors. As a limited-time Beta version, if you come back to this page at a later date/time, the PDF may have been updated in its' Beta form; or it may have been removed and transferred to the product listing page as a paid pattern.
Have fun and do share pictures of your makes in the Luxe Hardware group (only). Please do not post pictures in other groups at this time.
Before downloading the PDF from below, please read the disclaimer
DISCLAIMER: By accepting for free or by purchasing this pattern you agree not to photocopy, reproduce, distribute or share the pattern in any format with another individual or entity. Additionally, you may not offer for sale acrylic templates, pre-cuts of any kind, SVG/cut files embroidery files, or embroidery versions from this pattern with prior written permission. You my not copy or use specific pieces from this pattern to make other patterns for sale or distribution to others. You my not teach a class or make video or tutorial from this pattern without prior permission. If you are teaching from this pattern, each student must purchase their own copy of the pattern. If you have a business interest in re-selling or licensing this pattern or any of its components in any format, please contact us to arrange a licensing or retail sales agreement.
DOWNLOAD PDF - Click on image below to download